A Message From Our President February 2025 Happy New Year! Recently, the board and committee chairs met for a lunchtime visioning and brainstorming session to look at where we want to go this year. It was so great having us all in the same room at the same time! What was obvious was that there’s a lot of passion in the group about doubling down on the things that have made Chapter 20 so popular in the past, namely our Young Eagles rallies, the RV-12 Build, and the Ray Scholarships. We had so much to cover that we have scheduled a second session for later in February.
We also want to up the game in other areas, such as resuming our general meetings. Our first general meeting of the year will be on Saturday March 15th after the Young Eagles Rally. We will be meeting at the San Carlos Flight Center, 795 Skyway Road at 12:30PM, so bring a bag lunch and we will provide drinks and a dessert item. Our thanks to SCFC for allowing us to use their classroom as our normal venue wasn’t available that day.
Future meetings will be listed on the Chapter Calendar and will mostly be on YE Rally days. For your future planning, the other meetings will be on June 21, September 20 and December 13. Those meetings will be at the Skyway Center, 655 Skyway Road, next to the Hiller Museum.
Many thanks to those of you who answered the call to join the chapter by paying the annual dues. Just as a reminder, being on the mailing list does not mean you are a member. It’s only by paying your dues that you are a member. Dues are our lifeblood so I would urge those of you who haven’t yet joined to click HERE to pay your dues. We are looking at ways to enhance the privileges of membership, such as embossed name tags for members and other members-only features. More on that later. We are ramping up our new chapter management platform which will enable us to better track members, manage events, communicate with members and manage resources such as our tool crib.
Lastly, we want to know what YOU want from your chapter. Please feel free to reach out to me with your ideas at [email protected] with any thoughts you might have.
See you around the patch! Curt Taylor
Chapter 20 Build Hiatus Announcement The EAA Chapter 20 Youth Aircraft Build will be on hiatus until March 2025; please subscribe to the email list on the build page for updates. If you have any questions, please email us at chapter20build@eaa20.
RV-12 Second Build Seeks Mentors and Donations A team of 30+ students and 20+ mentors is building another Van's RV-12! If you're interested in participating as a mentor or student, email chapter20build@eaa20. We are actively seeking donations to support the Young Aviators RV-12 Build Program.
Give online using the donate button on the donate page. Choose “Young Aviators program” in the drop-down menu.
To donate by mail, send a check payable to “EAA Chapter 20” to EAA Chapter 20, 620 Airport Way, San Carlos, CA 94070. Note “Young Aviators build” in the memo field.
Chapter 20 is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit. For employer match, the official name is “Chapter 20 Experimental Aircraft Association San Francisco Bay Area” (EIN 94-6186117).